While Mel was preventing floods and Ben was wading outside, I was on my way to soccer.

When I arrived, I was mildly amused to see a policeman standing in shin-deep water directing traffic… until I realised I got out of the tuk tuk on the wrong side of that very same intersection 😆

Shin deep policeman directing traffic through flooded intersection

At first I tried to pick my way through the shallowest sections (while dodging motos, tuk tuks, cars and trucks) but I quickly gave up and just embraced the soggy socks and sneakers lifestyle.

Once I made it across and into the facility, I was very impressed to discover a massive shed with about 6 high quality, astro-turf fields.

Under cover fields set up for soccer or volleyball

We ended up with three teams rotating through games of six-a-side, under cover and under lights, and it was a blast, even in soggy shoes.

I reluctantly (but exhaustedly) headed home after 90 minutes to have dinner with my long-suffering family. When I left many of the players were still going strong!

Six-a-side soccer game, under cover and under lights

Probably the best $2 I’ve spent since we arrived 🙂

Matthew Lindfield Seager @matt17r