We’ve been fixing things here and there to get our house ready for tenants moving in and after each task we’ve been asking ourselves “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”.
First it was ripping up the old carpet in the dining room… Mel has always disliked it so when we found reasonable (albeit water stained) floorboards underneath we immediately regretted not doing it years ago! With the benefit of hindsight, we would have very happily thrown a rug over the raw floor boards and used the room that way rather than keep the ugly, stained carpet around for so long.
Then yesterday, we borrowed a high pressure hose and cleaned 5 (to 10) years of gunk off the planks on the back deck. It immediately looked so much better!

We then knocked all the nails back below the surface, ready for a coat of oil to go on top.

So why didn’t we do these things sooner!?
Generously, perhaps it was because we were trying to be content with what we have, not constantly chasing after upgrades, renovations or improvements.
Cynically, perhaps we were just lazy and apathetic, too focused on the present to notice the stains and gunk of the past around us, or to look ahead to future possibilities.
Realistically, there was probably a little bit of both of those things but I think the main reason is a lot simpler… Our upcoming move to Cambodia has got us thinking about ways to prepare and has shifted us from being homeowners to being future landlords.
Replacing the missing section of railing on our deck wasn’t a high priority for us a month ago, but making the house safe for tenants is, so that’s what I’m working on today.
I don’t know what the lesson in all of this is, or if there even is one. It’s a bit of a bummer that our house is going to be in the best condition it’s ever been in, right before we move out and someone else gets to enjoy it… But we’re actually really okay with that.
Besides, we know from John 14 that there’s a MUCH better place prepared for us; one without leaky gutters, water damaged floor boards and asbestos lining. Lord hasten the day!
P.S. We know that moving countries and adjusting to a new culture will be difficult at times but we’re hoping that once we settle in we’ll be asking ourselves the same question, why didn’t we do this sooner? 🙂